
After Picasso and Hemingway, Blue Note

A simple black rectangle with rounded corners, an elastic page-holder, and an internal expandable pocket: a nameless object with a spare perfection all…

A simple black rectangle with rounded corners, an elastic page-holder, and an internal expandable pocket: a nameless object with a spare perfection all its own, produced for over a century by a small French bookbinder that supplied the stationery shops of Paris, where the artistic and literary avant-gardes of the world browsed and bought them. A trusted and handy travel companion, the notebook held invaluable sketches, notes, stories, and ideas that would one day become famous paintings or the pages of beloved books.

taiteiljat notebook is, in fact, the heir and successor to the legendary notebook used by artists and thinkers over the past two centuries: among them and

moleskin-notebooks-classic-hardcoverkunnes Bruce Chatwin.//tells the story of the little black notebook: in 1986, the manufacturer, a small family-owned company in the French city of Tours, went out of business. “Le vrai moleskine n’est plus,” are the lapidary words he puts into the mouth of the owner of the stationery shop in the Rue de l’Ancienne Comédie, where he usually purchased his notebooks. Chatwin set about buying up all the notebooks that he could find before his departure for Australia, but there were still not enough.

Following in Chatwin’s footsteps, Moleskine notebooks have resumed their travels, providing an indispensable counterpart to the new and portable technology of today. Capturing reality in movement, glimpsing and recording details, inscribing the unique nature of experience on paper: the Moleskine notebook becomes a battery that stores ideas and feelings, releasing its energy over time.

Like Gordon, the other musicians highlighted in the collection, are synonymous with New York’s Avant Garde Jazz era. These notebooks will be available later this summer and feature Art Blakey, Freddie Hubbard, Kenny Burrell and Thelonious Monk.
Blue Note Records has produced jazz since 1939. Since its founding, the label has been connected to nearly all important jazz musicians. It continues this dedication today as it celebrates 75 years in the business.


has also become the name of the company that owns the worldwide trademark rights for the brand.

Moleskine SpA creates, produces, and distributes not only the well-known notebooks and their various offshoots, but also a series of objects for the creativity of the contemporary nomad.

In 1997, a small Milanese publisher brought the legendary notebook back to life, and selected this name with a literary pedigree to revive an extraordinary tradition.

Mitä Picasso edellä, sitä jazz-diggarit perässä

Moleskine on ranskalaisen kirjansitojan klassikko muistikirja, jota Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Ernest Hemingway ynnä monet muut pitivät aina mukanaan. Vuonna 1986 Moleskin oli lähellä kuolla sukupuuttoon, mutta 1997 milanolainen kirjanjulkaisija pelasti legendaarisen ja alkoi uudelleen julkaista muistikirjaa Moleskine nimellä.
2007 Moleskinesta tuli kansainvälinen tavaramerkki, jonka alla tuotetaan paljon muutakin kuin kuuluisaa muistikirjaa: päiväkirjoja, lehtiä, laukkuja, kirjoitusvälineitä, lukutarvikkeita.

Blue Note Recordsin 75 vuotisen toiminnan kunniaksi Moleskine julkaisee sarjan muistikirjoja Blue Notelle äänittäneiden avant-garde jazzin mestareiden kokonaislevytysten oheen.

Sarjan ensimmäinen, Dexter Gordon -muistikirja, on omistettu Blue Note Records Limited Edition Collectionin ensimmäiselle julkaisulle. Dexter Gordon aloitti tuotteliaan uransa LAssa ennen siirtymistään New Yorkiin 1950-luvulla, missä hän äänitti Blue Note Recordsille viisi kuuluisaa lp:tä.

Gordonin jälkeen vuorossa ovat muistikirjat Art Blakeylle, Freddie Hubbardille, Kenny Burrellille ja Thelonious Monkille. Jokainen muistikirja on tehty Blue Noten minimalistiseen tyyliin.

Moleskinen jazz-muistikirjoja saa Moleskinen online-kaupasta ja myyntipisteistä.


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