Radio live
Rava vavàra is an experimental radio broadcast and sound art/sound poetry project created by Italian artist Eva Macali.
A full-range ESL from Russia
The mighty Statik-2M electrostatic loudspeaker was born as a by-product of the military industry.
Copenhagen Highend 2019
The Novotel Fair in Paris just closed, the Warsaw Fair two weeks ahead, it’s time to direct the sight and steps to Copenhagen where the annual HighEnd Show will be held this weekend for the 22nd time in a row.
Complexity of hi-fi design
How to design electronic devices to people who not only are ambivalent about design/outer appearances but often openly hostile to it?
Horns at art’s service
A sound artist Yuri Suzuki unveils a new participatory artwork at Tuner Contemporary. Once again horns occupy the lead role.